media workshops

Preps Next focuses on creating a supportive environment that emphasizes academics as a crucial part of the recruitment process for aspiring collegiate athletes. The program teaches fundamental sports skills and facilitates competition among peers. Additionally, Preps Next offers access to top-notch media equipment and professionals to create high-quality content in real-time.

With parental consent, athletes can experience being mic’d up, interviewed on camera, and receive a published article for their resume and to share with family and friends.

What to expect at a Preps Next Media Workshop?

Our workshops are not typical training and fundamental camps, they are designed to give our athletes that plus so much more, ultimately grooming them early on to dominate in a more well rounded manner and covering steps to implement and assist with how to get in contact with colleges/universities, setting up visits for your kids and getting their content in front of the right resources for them to take a serious look in consideration of interest to recruiting your child.


Our workshops are designed to help reassure our athletes that they have a purpose. No matter what their situation may be or where their athletic level is, we all come together as one and try to set an outlet for the kids. To give them confidence that they are capable of doing whatever they set their mind to and that they are a part of something. 

  • We discuss academics and how important that is and putting in the extra effort to not only do their work but changing their mindset on their perception of their work.

  • We take time to discuss the importance of leadership, and why being a leader and setting the tone is what will set them ahead of competition.

  • We also discuss the importance of bullying and how that can have an effect on their peers as well as giving tips on how to deal with being bullied and implementing tactics on how to block out negative energy and give them an open floor to discuss anything that's on their chest in efforts to advise them the best we can to deal with certain situations.

  • We touch on performance on how putting in extra time everyday or a few times a week will help them become better on the things they are weakest at.

Performance & Media Workshop 

Our workshops are set up to give the athletes different drills and evaluate how they perform. Our coaches will give them critique on how they can change certain things ultimately in efforts to perfect their craft.

The reality for serious athletes seeking to get to that next level of collegiate sports is being mature and having a business mindset and that’s what we are here to help them do as well as educate parents on things that can be implemented to assist their athlete. 

  • Workouts will consist of stations and specific drills chosen by staff and coaches.

    Small group games whether it 3vs3 or 5vs5 every kid will have the chance to play in a game style setting with peers in their age bracket.

  • We have state of the art cameras and technology that we utilize to give every kid a chance the opportunity to be interviewed and experience what it’s like to be Mic’d up.

    This is a fun and exciting experience for most kids and a great way for them to get public speaking experience under their belt.

Are you ready to take your child’s athletics to the next level?